By Megha, and Tom Bradley.
Megha is part of the youth parliament in the colony which has been set up so the youth can address issues that affect individuals and community alike. Like many teenagers, Megha loves phone filters and the (often absurd) transformations to ones self they depict. She played with these - part of her normal life, and by cutting and pasting, we made absurd depictions of her family and friends she was photographing too.
Delhi, India 2019
Megha is part of the youth parliament in the colony which has been set up so the youth can address issues that affect individuals and community alike. Like many teenagers, Megha loves phone filters and the (often absurd) transformations to ones self they depict. She played with these - part of her normal life, and by cutting and pasting, we made absurd depictions of her family and friends she was photographing too.
Delhi, India 2019